A query I've recently been pondering heavily. Ok folks I'm pretty open, this year I turned the dirty 30. I've lived the majority of my twenties in NYC. It's been a learning experience. At times frustrating, at times amazing, always instructive.
When I was growing up, the successful individuals of my community all left to move to bigger cities. To go to top schools, to get high paying jobs. This was the expectation assigned to myself and my peers. The private school set. I failed to fit this stereotype the minute I chose a local school for University. Best decision I ever made. I met some of the greatest people I have the privilege of calling my friends. Then I graduated and suddenly the pressure was back on. I had no idea what to do. The recession had just hit, I had a degree in the arts, and a long list of unpaid theatre internships to recommend me.
So I did what I needed to do at the time, moved to a larger city that had the means to provide me with a career, an apartment, the opportunity to be an adult, and the hope of being successful. A choice I stand by. It was a necessity for me then, and I'm fascinated to have been here during such a massive changeover for this city, but it's time for me to ask the happiness question.
With a recovering economy, a stabilized thyroid, and a plethora of new knowledge and experiences; is this the existence I still want for myself?
While this may seem like a total catharsis of an entry- ok it is a little- it has a base in a bigger and more general question we all face at different times in our lives. Are we living our lives to be happy? Are we living our lives for ourselves?-- for others? Or (worst yet) for others expectations? At what point do we re-think how we wish to achieve the goals we want for ourselves?
Will it mean some slight adjustments? Will it mean a massive sea change? I think for me it might be the latter and I feel that my time, though well spent in the big apple, is coming to a close. It won't be overnight, but it will end, and I think it's a happiness choice. It might be where my happiness is... more to come as this progresses. Think on your happiness on this leap day. A special day once every four years, for special thoughts- be well.
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