Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rants and Raves: Kevita!

I am obsessed with this new drink Kevita!!!!! It's like kefir, kombucha, and (if you get the "& coconut" flavors) coconut water--- in ONE drink!!!! I know, that's a lot of exclamation points you've got there ma'm. Well, it's true. As someone who no longer consumes caffeine, alcohol, or refined sugars, this drink is my go-go juice. I can drink one of these and within 20 min start feeling more energized, happier, more alert. I'm serious, and it lasts for hours with no groggy gross "coming down" because it's not really a stimulant. It's packed with the electrolights and probiotics your body thrives on, and merely is helping you run more efficiently. It's like fresh oil in your car. I am not the night owl type but I've literally been out on my feet all day, come home and had one of these, and then headed out to a dance party til 5 am. And my only option at the dance party was water- to eat or drink. So I have to give this one to the Kevita. They're sweetened only with organic stevia, so they have little to no sugar in all of them, and only 5-10 calories. They also use apple cider vinegar as their culture base that they add the bacterias into so it doesn't smell funky. Just slightly sweetly vinegary. I actually do not care for kombucha drinks. I like kombucha green tea but that's it really. I think the rest of them smell like if feet and old mushrooms had a baby. But this stuff is not like that at all. And it's slightly carbonated so it's kinda like REALLY REALLY healthy pop (soda for all you non-WNY transplants.) Right now, it's pretty much just at Whole Foods and Wegmans, but the site says if you want it elsewhere to ask your store. (I've sent a request to Brooklyn Fare.)
And because now you can't stop thinking about go go juice...


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