Sunday, June 30, 2013

Save Money & Exfoliate Better!

A Recipe for Clean Skin!

Tis the season for a slight increase in exfoliation mon freres. Most of the year 1x a week is really all we should be doing. Otherwise you set off a chain reaction of increased oil production and skin wear and you can do everything from cause a break out to speed up those fine lines. Summer heat however generally means we can up that count to 2x a week as we tend to sweat and produce more oil by virtue of higher temps. Unfortunately many exfoliating products on the market have large exfoliating beads which can be too harsh and also, who wants to pay for a second face wash when you only need one. No really, you only need one. How??? you ask!! Buy yourself a nice gentle alcohol free face wash....

Right now I'm really digging the Neutrogena Naturals line. They're on average 94% naturally derived (specific number depends on product,) not tested on animals, no harsh chemical sulfates, parabens, petrolatum, dyes or phthalates, and they're one of the only lines I know of teamed up with The Nature Conservancy to attempt to build a greener product from the packaging to the website server. 

....Ok, where were we? Right. Grab your gentle face wash and go to your kitchen! Grab your baking soda and 1/4 tsp. Get yourself a pump/dollop of face wash and add 1/4 tsp of the baking soda to it, then wash your face! It takes a bit longer to really get all the soap off but when you do your skin will be squeaky clean! It's small granules gently exfoliate your skin and it gets delightfully slightly foamy! (oh baking soda!) If it's REALLY hot and humid, trying adding a squeeze of lemon juice. It has similar properties to the old baking soda and vinegar combo and is really refreshing on a sultry day.
The last piece of advice I'll give is a key washing tip. Rub, don't scrub. I won't knock those who love their wash clothes, but just keep in mind you never need to scrub your face clean. This can cause the same problem as using an exfoliator too many times, as physically it's the same action. So instead rub the cleanser into your skin with your finger pads and palms and then whether you chose to use a wash cloth or just splashed water, make sure you are being thorough, but gentle. Happy Exfoliating! 


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