Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rants & Reviews: Go Raw!

Go Raw Chocolate Super Cookie
Ok, so here's the thing about me. I love sweets. I love ice cream and cookies and pie and cake and cupcakes and brownies and everything in between. The problem is, of course, that I'm insulin sensitive, soy sensitive, and trying NOT to develop celiac's as a great many hypo thyroid women do :( This means that I feel pretty crappy upon eating just about any of those listed items. --much to my grievous displeasure.... This is part of what has led me on a magical exploratory voyage of lower sugar, gluten free, soy free, treats and sweets. Some of which I bake myself, some I'm lucky to stumble upon in the store. (I'm lookin' at you So Delicious no sugar added frozen amazingness.) Today I have found another yummy treat to top me yogurt with, they're Go Raw's line of Super Cookie's. They're gluten free, wheat free, soy free, GMO free, cholesterol free, raw, nut free, live, sprouted, vegan, and kosher! I know, right?!??!!? The cookies I bought have 4 ingredients. 4!!! Try finding that, um, anywhere. Organic unsulphured coconut, sprouted organic sesame seeds, organic dates, and raw organic cacao. Now dates are really high on the glycemic index, so I do usually avoid them. But this recipe seems to use them in moderation, rather than domination, because there's only 11 grams of sugar in 18 cookies! That's like 2/3 of a gram of sugar per cookie. Delightful. Now before you come to that oh so sad conclusion that they must taste like cardboard allow me to step right in and stop you. I found them really yummy. Nicely chocolatey (a must for this gal,) crunchy, delicately sweet, and creamily nutty from the coconut and sesame. Now I admit they were pricier than a box of Oreos, about $5.99, but you might find a slightly better deal than that. I happened to be in a notoriously pricy health food store that shall go unnamed. They're also immeasurably better for you than a box of Oreo's, so consider it taken out of those pesky medical bills you'll be saving on ;)
They also come in a bunch of different flavors, I just happened to buy what called to me! But they have the original, (just the first three ingredients that mine had,) ginger snaps, lemon, masala chai *didn't see these but you KNOW I want to try them, and carrot cake. So check your local co-op or natural food store, they're listed as being stocked in both Wegman's and Whole Food's. :) YOMMY.


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