Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Getting on the Right Frequency.......

Zap to It!

I've got bad skin. There I've said it. I'm a makeup artist and health food fanatic and I still continually work hard to control break outs and flare ups galore. Could be genetic (though I have yet to see evidence of this in other family members,) but mostly it's that perfect combination of life long exposure to environmental toxins, less than stellar endocrine function, and stress. I've therefore had, well, over a decade of experience eking out the best (and worst) treatments available. One that I feel that I can recommend to everyone, regardless of what that perfect cocktail is that causes your occasional breakouts, is high frequency treatment. High frequency treatments are generally administered by an esthetician, (or student thereof,) during, or as part of, a facial cleansing treatment. A sterile glass "wand"(it's actually a glass electrode) is filled with compressed argon gas, (it glows purple!) and lowered only a few centimeters from your skin. Similar in appearance to when you used to put your hand on those globe things at The Nature Company (dude I so miss that store.) a mild electrical current passes through the wand into your skin and lightly "zaps" you. This is called sparking. In doing this the gas is forcing enriched oxygen into the skin, known as "ozone" (yeah, I know, lame naming choice) and what this does is kills bacteria in the skin. It can penetrate many layers of the epidermis and treats very deep acne or very shallow. If you have experience performing high frequency treatments, home wands can be purchased and they are, amazing. If you don't have this type of experience let me advise you here and now to go to someone who does. Even if it's a school so that you get a lower price, you don't want to fly blind with this one. Why? You can really do some damage if you misjudge the distance between the wand and your skin. Too far away and you simultaneously open and cauterize the blemish creating scar tissue on it, making it difficult to clear, and making a big dark mark on your face. Also be careful of jewelry or any metals in the body like pins from broken bones. These can mess with the current and do everything from diverting its energy, to mildly electrocuting yourself. That being said, a monthly treatment from a pro is very safe and can immensely improve your skin, and if you really know what you're doing, a daily treatment from an at home system is GLORIOUS.


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